"Hello my name is Roxanna and I am a sentimental hoarder." I try very hard to control my desire to keep every single thing and what I can't control my Mr. ever so lovingly tosses out. I can get out of control very fast - especially with things that the children have made (or worn or owned - basically anything kid related needs to stay) but I keep things in check by limiting my items to a few boxes and once those boxes are full nothing can be saved without something being let go. *TEARS* It has been a great system until I found ... a loophole and that is if I catagorize it as "holiday decorations" I can put it in another box. :D I am BRILLIANT! I am not too sure what I am going to do when grandchildren come - I think I am going to need a bigger shed ;) So usually every year I buy just a few items but normally I bring out all my favorite treasures to fill my home with wonderful memories. I think that is why I love Autumn - it is the beginning of family gatherings.
My young prince made this when he was about 11. |
Last year I made these pillow covers and matching valace.
$1 store pumpkins on moss - painting Mr did about 6 yrs ago
(He is sooo talented-he paints, sings,plays music...he's brilliant) |
The pumpkins, moss and runner ALL $1 store finds |
White pumpins at the $1 are a great find!
Chillin on the hutch : D |
My "Autumn Village" in my entry way.
It seems great to live there
This guy is just too cute!
My cornicopia has flowers - these treasures sit on my coffee table
I haven't done the outside yet - the problem with living in Phoenix is that on Sunday it was 95* so needless to say I just couldn't decorate for Fall when it is that hot - this week is suppose to be cooler (88*) so MAYBE I'll get to doing something on Friday. At least with the Fall colors around me and football on the TV I can pretend that it is cooler outside :D
Your autumn vignettes are charming. The little hedgehog really makes me smile. Hope that it cools off for you all soon! Thank you for sharing your charming designs. Cherry Kay