Thursday, September 8, 2011

2 Months ... WOW!

I finished Don't Cry last week - in 2 months WOW I think that's a record! *giggles* I wonder what in my life could have changed? Hmmmm! Anyhow - enough of that! This book started mediocre but finished somewhat strong - similar to Patterson that you can see events from both sides (the detectives and the killer) but not as smooth of a transition (Patterson breaks up the two sides via chapters, while Barton just triple spaces in the middle of a chapter to switch gears). It did have an twist (it was an 'ohhh' twist) after first plot twist (it was the 'given' twist). Definately going to try to read the follow up in this series which is hopefully scheduled for sometime this year. I now don't know what to read. *hmmm*
We went to the Re-Store in Anthem on Saturday to see what was there, found a white cast iron double sink for the kitchen for $40 we didn't purchase it because my heart wishes to have an apron sink but not for $800 - so I might need to put away selfish desires for the practical uses of my family *sigh* But what I did find were books *go figure* Book of Angels (for my Princess - shhh don't tell her), The Beader's Palette (great ideas for my bracelets), Heloise All Around House (it's from 1965 and it's soooo cool - I can't put it down) and last Cross Country (the only Paterson is the store - I swooped up that book so darn fast) I believe this will be my next book. Aaahhhh to read Patterson again makes my heart sing. I know ... I know ... I did say I was going to read Connelly's The Poet and I do want to read it BUT ...  (a) I haven't gotten the book, (b) if I can get done quickly that will give me time to get the other one and (c) *whinnig* I want to read Patterson. **FYI - Tyler Perry is going to be in the new Patterson movie (I, Alex Cross) I'm going to take a guess that he is going to be Alex Cross - I understand that Morgan Freeman is getting up there in age but I am not too sure that I like the fact that someone else is going to be Alex besides I can see him being more the Samson character. But it would be nice to see Tyler play someone else besides Medea for a change.**

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