Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Happy 5th Birthday Savannah!!

May you live a long life
full of gladness and health.
May the dreams you hold dearest.
Be those which come true.
The kindness you spread.
Keep returning to you.  

Saturday, November 11, 2017

5 Ways to Show Thanks on Veteran's Day

How do you say thank you for all those who have served and to those serving today. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
I .. like most .. probably do not know where to start. So start at the beginning. First you should start by knowing what you are celebrating. You may click here for a brief history. 

Another way is to wear a red poppy to show support for veteran and active duty service members. The American Legion Auxiliary distributes red crepe paper poppies on Memorial Day and Veterans Day nationwide. The poppies are all handmade by veterans as part of their therapeutic rehabilitation, and donations received in exchange for the flowers go directly to assist disabled and hospitalized veterans in our communities. You may click here to find you local American Legion office.

Simple but yet hard for some people .. it to acknowledge and thank them directly for their service. Through out the year be mindful of those who wear their veteran caps or uniform with pride. When you see someone .. simple walk up and say 'excuse me Sir/Ma'am I saw your cap and I wanted to thank you -- your service is appreciated'. The look of gratefulness is priceless. Or if you speak with a co-worker and they let you know that they have served kindly thank them or buy them a cup of coffee .. they will feel connected to you. 

Something that can be done through out the year is to visit a Veterans hospital or care facility. Most people in care facility have families that are away from them and have to go through their day alone. Sit with them .. talk with them .. play cards .. read a book .. watch the football game … all anybody really wants is just a little bit of company.

Another way to show your appreciation year-round is to support a veteran-owned business. This can be a bit trickier since only a select few identify their business. You can contact your local chamber of commerce to see if they have any resources or click here to help you find veteran-owned businesses near you.

Last is to show them you care by sending a care package. Click here and here for some ideas and here for organizations.