The biography chosen was 'Six Tires No Plan' by Michael Rosenbaum . It is about the life and philosophy of Bruce Halle the sole owner of Discount Tire/Americas Tire. If you haven't read it .. you must.
This book is so refreshing .. in a world that tells you that to be successful you have to be 'hard nosed' or 'micromanage ' or 'cut-throat' - here is a person that shows you that having a servants heart is not a weakness but a large part of a strong base to everything in your life .. ESPECIALLY in business. Now if you are looking more for a "how to" manual .. it's not here. What is here is a story about one man's journey that led him to build a company and how his ideas of taking care of people .. not just customers but everyone around him .. affect every aspect of his company. I was going to share some wonderful little stories but you won't grasp its full context unless you read the book. So .. go read the book and ask 'am I a lost boy (or girl)'?