Friday, August 31, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Week In Review ...
The Desesrt Dragonfly has finally done it .... I have finally joined Raverly. I don't know how I could call myself a crafter and not be on Raverly. I went in and poked around and I am eager to start on projects ... fingerless gloves, slouch hats, an infinity scarf, slippers and a few sweaters. I am thinking of making this year a hand-crafted Christmas ... this will allow me to express my gratitute with time rather than money ... well less money =D I am even thinking of wrapping them with brown paper with twine or a simple ribbon. Hmmm we will see ... I am sure I would have changed my mind like 100 times before Christmas. Nothing like waiting and shopping at the last minute and putting the item in a bag with tissues to say 'Happy Holidays'! =D
I baked a very healthy Pumpkin-Cranberry Muffin ... I haven't baked as much as I would like to due to the heat. It is tough for me to think of cooking/baking when the temp is 115* (lately though it has been a bone chilling 105*). The weather here starts to get better in late September - October ... up by Flagstaff the weather is already getting nicer and that is where we like to go camping (only because it is only 2-3 hours away).
I baked a very healthy Pumpkin-Cranberry Muffin ... I haven't baked as much as I would like to due to the heat. It is tough for me to think of cooking/baking when the temp is 115* (lately though it has been a bone chilling 105*). The weather here starts to get better in late September - October ... up by Flagstaff the weather is already getting nicer and that is where we like to go camping (only because it is only 2-3 hours away).
I even colored my hair. Vanity? You bet!! When you hit 40 your natural 'highlights' seem to run rampant and my hair is naturally on the black side. I hope I will be one of those people who look good with salt and pepper hair. I went with a medium brown with carmel highlights. I like to use a frosting cap rather than the little brush ... it give me better control of not only the size of my highlight but also I am less likely to have unevenness. You can buy a frosting kit just to use the cap (but that would be $7) or get a cap at your nearest Sally's for a few bucks. This might be the last time that I go so light this year. Starting in the Fall I like do go dark brown with reddish highlights.
I have yet to master the Charlie Brown Christmas music. This is a super beginner book too. I find tutorials on Youtube (I tell ya ... I don't know what I did before this site) but thoughs are more advanced so it is taking me a bit longer. I am just very uncordinated ... that and the fact I can't read music it takes me a verrrrry loooong time to get down a tune. I have to get my sweet Mr to write down the scales for me =D Gosh I LOOOOVE that man! I can play a hideous tune for him and he will listen and applaud at the end. He is the greatest!!
I also made some laundry soap and put the Borax and Washing Soda in these pretty jars I got at the Dollar Tree.
Homemade Laundry Soap
Grate 1/2 bar of Fels Naptha and put in a pot (I use a stock pot ... just IN CASE it decides to get too bubbly) with 5 cups of water over medium heat. Stir slooowly until the soap is melted! This might take 5 or so minutes. Take your time ... DON'T put it on high and DON'T stir too briskly. Add 1/2 cup each of Borax and Washing Soda (all these ingredients can be found at the Walmart). Add 1 1/2 gallons of water into your 2 gallon container of water. SLOWLY add the water until your container is almost full. (I use an old Extra jug ... I don't like using a bucket) Stir a bit and leave uncapped for 24hours. This mixture will be a watery white gel. Cap and enjoy. IF you want to add a different fragrance, put 4-6 drops of essential oil to it AFTER the mixture has cooled. Give it a good shake before you use it. It is soooo simple and 1/2 cup of laundry soap is all you need for a regular load.
Everybody have a safe and wonderful week =D
Friday, August 24, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Happy 100th ... Kinda ... Sorta
Today Julia Child would have celebrated her 100th b/d
and Google honored Julia with her own 'Google~Doodle'
Today I honored this remarkable person in my own way
I watched the movie =D
I have said before how I simply adore this film
It is makes me want to bake (and blog)
and that is just what I did
I made banana bread and did this post =D

So cheers to you Julia ... for simply being you!!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Meemah, Noni, or Gran …. no matter how it will be said my new title will be officially GRANDMA!!Aaaaah!!! I am soooo excited … I can’t stand it! The arrival of this new bundle of joy will be in the early part of December to our youngest daughter. The baby is alittle girl and what a blessing …. I have tons of ideas for projects for her! I have been stitching away … which is what I have been up to lately. I will show you my projects after they have been delivered so that the surprise won’t be ruined. I will show you pictures soon. But I have some stitching to do … =D

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