Sunday, April 24, 2011
Movies For Easter
There are as many different versions of Jesus movies as there are sides of this remarkable man - from funny to serious, pious to lost - but no matter what kind of movie you watch the viewer always seems to come from watching it .... a bit more connected. These are just my tippy top favorites.This 1999 made for TV movie has the charming Jeremy Sisto as Jesus, he brought such a sweet side of Jesus that is almost hypnotizing. This film starts with Jesus dreaming of a medieval battle being fought in his name and of a dying world war soldier who, in desperation, calls out the name: Jesus. He awakes, distraught and confused on why they are calling for him. This story follows him from the 40 days (where he meets Satin *who transforms from man, Jeroen Karbbe' a veteran actor, to woman, Manuela Ruggeri's only gig* and shows up through out his times of doubt), misistry (where he meets Mary M (Debra Messing - which I don't know if I liked her in this role) and where he becomes a target of the High Priest Chaiaphas (Christian Kolund). G.W. Bailey (from Police Academy fame) plays Philo who is an instigating informant to Pontius Pilate (Gary Oldman from Dracula) who, I felt, played well with each others strengths. This is my favorite all time go-to for all my holidays movie - I always feel so much better after watching this one even though it is a "fluffy" film depicting a "more human" Jesus. That leads me to the most heartbreaking and gruesome movie of all time.
Passion of the Christ was not Mel Gibson's first directorial debut ("Man Without A Face" and "Braveheart" came before this movie) but it is his first screenplay. This 2004 film which was released on Ash Wednesday, dipicts Jesus Christ's final hours and crucifiction. It is by far the bloodiest and most disturbing of all Jesus movies AND the most profitable with over $370 million being made, just to show you that a well made movie can have sub-titles *even in Arabic no less* and still make money. With this particular movie you can see some Catholic influences in the film, such as the prominent role of Jesus' mother Mary, the Stations of the Cross, and the floating cross on which Jesus was crucified. Mel Gibson had a Canadian priest, Fr. Stephen Somerville, celebrate the Traditional Roman Catholic Latin Mass of the Apostolic Rite for the film crew each day before production began. Because of their experiences during film production, many of the cast and filming crew converted to Catholicism after the completion of the film. *ALL BE WARNED don't make a movie with Mel Gibson unless you want to convert to Catholicism* LOL But if you can't stomach it - then definately watch it during the Easter weekend but if you can not, then something alittle bit more informative might be better for you.
I happen to own this 2000 series, which also has a companion book. I think it is very good series for the student of faith who seeks a more thorough understanding of what life was like during the time that Jesus lived in the flesh on earth. The book is rich with photographs, drawings and maps, this book is a visual treat as well as providing much insight through the text. This series allows me to "see" more of Jesus' life as a Jewish child as to know why he did/said what he did/said as an adult and about the political conflicts that lead to his death. The re-enactments brings one into his world. It might be alittle complicated for the very young (8 and under) but it should be viewed and studied by all. Also if you like this one you might like the next.

Jesus: The Complete Story came out in 2001 and it is chalk full of visual affects that brings the Jesus story into a whole new level. Which should help older children and teen too, along with adults, "see" things more clearly. It helps me refreshen my knowledge, being I am very forgetful, and brings so much more information (the discovered boat, Mary, Judas' betrayal) into light.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Shabbat Shalom
Then Jesus came with them to the spot called Gethsem'ane,
and he said to the disciples: "Sit down here while I go over
there and pray." And taking along Peter and the two sons of
Zeb'edee, he started to be grieved and to be sorely
troubled. Then said to them: "My soul is deeply grieved,
even to death. Stay here and keep watch with me."
Matthew 26:36-38
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Oahu 2011 - Around the Hotel
Hello everyone!! I took some cool and not so cool pictures in Oahu. I think I am going to group them by theme rather than day .... trust me it will make it go faster. I am sorry it took so long but I get a tinsy bit snap happy - like literally 800 pictures =D My in-laws were asking "Where's Roxanne?" and my Mr. was like "Don't worry she's somewhere taking pictures." But all that means is that I have ALOT .. AlOt ... AAAALOTTT!!! of pictures to go thru and edit.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
A Better Us Challenge #2
I bet you thought I forgot about this challenge .... well I didn't. I was going to post it on Sunday but it got too late and then Monday but it was Passover, then came Tuesday and I got a tinsy bit carried away editing pictures of Hawaii ... so that brings me to tonight. I thought this challenge would be great for this week, so we can do it for the half week and still be equally effective. Remember this challenge was to be enjoyed not be a burden. Being a better person should never be a burden.
So how did week #1 work for you guys? Did you feel/act calmer? I had a somewhat difficult week - not because of the music but when I clean I like to crank up my tunes *cranking Bach isn't the same* besides that I was fine.
Challenge #2 - Not to watch anything that doesn't have a "G" rating. The ONLY exception to this rule are for those whose family members are in the service and they are keeping tabs via CNN or something. OR if it is for a job. Keep it short!
*IF ... you were to watch TV this week try to make it related to the life and sacrifice of Jesus. I'll post some movie suggestions later.*
This is to continue with purifying our minds. Now that we have "curbed" what we listened to let's try what we see. Let's see ... what do we learn from "House Wives Of...", "CSI", even my "Hawaii-50" umm let's start with killing, swearing, cheating, and lying - "WOW ... Can I be like them when I grow up?" Now let's see ... if we spent our days/nights: playing games, draw/sketch/paint, bird watching, play music, reading (be careful what kind), sewing, gardening, cooking/baking, go to the park/have a picnic, go for a walk or simpling talking to each other while making s`mores. *sigh* That last one sounds nice, right? The kids won't fuss - they want your time! So stop worrying about if they will go for it. Don't tell them what you are doing, just simply say "Hey guys I was thinking how about pizza and a game tonight after homework?" and 99.9% of the time the answer will be "Yea!" followed by some hooting =D As for your spouse ... they will LOoOoVE to have a calm, happy and enjoyable night with their family. What spouse wouldn't want the attention of a loved one?
*Linking up with Courtney at Women Living Well - check out the other posts!*
So how did week #1 work for you guys? Did you feel/act calmer? I had a somewhat difficult week - not because of the music but when I clean I like to crank up my tunes *cranking Bach isn't the same* besides that I was fine.
Challenge #2 - Not to watch anything that doesn't have a "G" rating. The ONLY exception to this rule are for those whose family members are in the service and they are keeping tabs via CNN or something. OR if it is for a job. Keep it short!
*IF ... you were to watch TV this week try to make it related to the life and sacrifice of Jesus. I'll post some movie suggestions later.*
This is to continue with purifying our minds. Now that we have "curbed" what we listened to let's try what we see. Let's see ... what do we learn from "House Wives Of...", "CSI", even my "Hawaii-50" umm let's start with killing, swearing, cheating, and lying - "WOW ... Can I be like them when I grow up?" Now let's see ... if we spent our days/nights: playing games, draw/sketch/paint, bird watching, play music, reading (be careful what kind), sewing, gardening, cooking/baking, go to the park/have a picnic, go for a walk or simpling talking to each other while making s`mores. *sigh* That last one sounds nice, right? The kids won't fuss - they want your time! So stop worrying about if they will go for it. Don't tell them what you are doing, just simply say "Hey guys I was thinking how about pizza and a game tonight after homework?" and 99.9% of the time the answer will be "Yea!" followed by some hooting =D As for your spouse ... they will LOoOoVE to have a calm, happy and enjoyable night with their family. What spouse wouldn't want the attention of a loved one?
*Linking up with Courtney at Women Living Well - check out the other posts!*
A Better Us Challenge
Monday, April 18, 2011
Happy Passover
Passover, for me as a follower of Christ, is one of reflection and of awe. It is simply amazing not just the power that Jehovah has but the will of men. Moses and Jesus, like Job and as many other people of old, showed humility and strength, bravery and fear without ever thinking that because they had God on their side they themselves were above everyone. In fact, it was just the opposite because they were representatives of God they knew that they were just merely vessels for God's work and stayed humble. Everyone should remember the astounding sacrifice Jesus gave for us tonight - this would have been the evening that he was with his friends for the last time before being turn over and consiquently lead to his death.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Aloha from Hawaii
Hey everyone!! A quick "Aloha" from the pool =D I wanted to post a few pics of our trip so far. They are not cropped but I HAD to show you what I had.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
This Week In Review
I'm sorry about not keeping up this week but I've been getting a few things done before leaving for Oahu tomorrow (AT LIKE 4AM!!!)
*I've been packed since Monday night =D
*Renewed my license ... it expires on my birthday which is April 9th (I know...I know...I just got it)
*I've been packed since Monday night =D
*Renewed my license ... it expires on my birthday which is April 9th (I know...I know...I just got it)
*A quick run to TJMax got me this one piece - its got a retro vibe even though the color is bright - it was the only one I liked that didn't make me want to fling myself infront of a truck *o*
*Our washer is a GE Profile which we got for a smoking deal! It has a short spin thingy so it acts as a front loader and saves on water (yea!) without any front loader problems (double yea!)
*Super cleaned the house (walls, doors. bird cage, ect), since when we return it will be Passover the following Monday and also back to work for us *tears* we might not have too much time to clean everything before hand.
*Oh did you check out April's cottage over at The Old Painted Cottage - well you should!
*Repolished my piggly wigglys with OPI's Hawaiian Orchid which I just LoOoVe - it is sheer so 3-4 layers is usually needed but I do 2 coats on my fingers.
*I have been checking out the Lisette Patterns - they are the perfect summer wardrobe. I wish I thought of it sooner - I could have made everything I needed *drats* :-(
*In-Laws are here and we are watching RED which my swet Mr is obsessed with - we are going to have such a GrEaT time!! They are definately the cool parents!
*Got a new book for my trip "Don't Cry" by Beverly Barton - unfortunately I haven't finished my other book (don't judge LOL) but I'm going to take it anyway...6 hr flights might be the incentive to read =D
Well I gotta go - I have to figure out how to down size my beauty regime =D ALOHA
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